The City Of Plano Has Big Plans For Its 150th Birthday

Photo: Ruth Black | Shutterstock

Plano, get your kazoos and streamers ready. The city will officially be 150 years old next year, and Plano already has plans to celebrate. 

The Plano Star Courier reported that during a Plano City Council meeting, Shannah Hayley, the communications and community outreach director, announced the details of the birthday shindig. 

Next January, the city will kick things off with banners emblazoned with a special 150th-anniversary log. The theme of the birthday will look into the heritage of Plano’s diverse community and special remarks will be made during the state of the city meeting in February and in May, which will be heritage preservation month. 

Preservation Plano 150 is a guide to help the city find ways to preserve the historic areas of Plano and have specifics set in place to make sure that happens.

“The city has experienced significant investment in the restoration and rehabilitation of its heritage resources,” the plan continues. “The city’s two designated heritage districts, Haggard Park and Downtown (which is also designated as a National Register Historic District) continue to evolve with a mix of new infill development while balancing the preservation of their historic and cultural resources.” 

The birthday bash will take place on June 3, 2023, and will include decorations around Haggard Park, food, drinks and entertainment. Honoring the big 150 there are set to be 150 activities for everyone in the community. The city of Plano will also showcase photo opportunities for residents' Instagram needs all throughout the downtown area during June. 

Plano ISD will also be joining in on the birthday fun by having students create their own birthday cards for the city that will be displayed on June 3 for residents to view. (And no, they will not be required to buy the city presents!) The event will come to and with Mayor John Muns leading a city-wide song of Happy Birthday to the city. 

If you wish to continue the celebration, an after-party will take place on 15th Street at McCall Plaza. 

Happy birthday, Plano… Well almost.

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