Plano Is Revitalizing Its Infrastructure

Photo: Blazej Lyjak | Shutterstock

The holidays are heading towards us at full steam, the weather is getting chillier and the foliage at the parks are turning red and golden. Winter is on its way. Ahead of the freezing season, the city of Plano is revamping its roads before the temperatures make construction difficult.

Plano residents might have already noticed major arterials in the city have been under work. Coit Road, Legacy Drive and Plano Parkway are currently finishing overlay construction and should be ready to use in December, but time is of the essence with this type of work.

As public works director, Dan Prendergast told Plano Star Courier, “An interesting thing about the overlay installation is the pavement has to be a certain temperature to be at least 60 degrees or higher.” He explained, “It could take a wide range of temperatures to install. We only do overlay installations through the summer and early fall then stop once winter starts through early spring.”

Additionally, Plano Parkway and Parker Road are getting concrete improvements that could take 18 months to finish, from the east city limits to Custer Road and from the west city limits to Preston. 

“We do pavement scores every year to see where our roads are starting to deteriorate, and we use those scores to prioritize our projects,” Prendergast said. “All these projects made sense from a condition standpoint. They all ranked from B to C grade, which means we do pavement repair, then we do the overlay to protect the pavement.”

According to Prendergast, road constructions are not the only improvements residents will see around the city. The city official said Plano has a series of engineering projects including screening wall and intersection improvements. Service franchises like water, gas and internet providers are also looking to revitalize the city’s infrastructure.

This Thursday, November 10, residents who’d like to know more about the current and upcoming projects can attend the infrastructure and construction projects update town hall meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council.

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