Q&A With Local Politicians: Keith Self

Photo: Keith Self

The election has begun. Voters deserve to know who their candidates are and what they represent. Up until November 8, Local Profile will publish Q&A with politicians running for this year's election.

What position are you running for and why?

US Congressional District 3, comprised of most of Collin County and most of Hunt County. I am running to return a voice and a vote to the citizens of CD3 and to support strong families as the foundation of civil society.

What policies do you hope to enact and why?

I will work hard to cut the debt and deficit, secure the border, defend strong families and faith, ensure fair elections and stop the disastrous policies that weaponize the federal government against citizens.

What are the biggest challenges facing your district?

Growth challenges such as transportation, proliferation of drag queen shows that target children (I returned a PAC check to a business that sponsored one) and drugs flowing into our area across the border.

How will your policies affect North Texas as a whole?

Good government and good policies make for peace and prosperity and safety. National policies impact every corner of our nation.

What are the biggest challenges facing Texas? 

The war on energy, the open border policy, drugs and the decline of morality including the indoctrination of our children.

How is your district changing?

The redistricting that included Hunt County made this district more conservative. The diversity and population continue to grow, the business climate continues to expand.

What book that you’ve read has had the biggest impact on you? 

The best-selling book in history, the Bible. Its truths guide my life.

What does the future hold for your district and for Texas? 

We live in tumultuous days, I dare say consequential days. We don't know the future, but we will meet the challenges of growth and increasing urbanization with a commitment to individual freedom consistent with civil society.

Local Profile will continue to release Q&A segments with politicians running for various positions in this election.

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