Explore Plano challenges you to be a good neighbor!

As summer comes to an end, so does Explore Plano. Luckily you’ve still got until August 31 to complete challenges around your city. This week we highlight the Neighborhood Services Department challenges. This team is dedicated to preserving Plano neighborhoods and improving the quality of life for residents. Through Neighborhood Planning, the livelihood of our communities is enhanced. The Neighborhood Services Department also assists residents utilizing the First Time Homebuyer program. There is even a Housing Rehabilitation program for homeowners who need help with repairs to their home.

Do you have a new neighbor who recently moved to your block? Maybe you haven’t even met the neighbors who live next door. Create a welcome package whether it’s something you baked, a small gift or a card. Also include your contact information in case they ever need to reach you. Before your visit, head over to the Neighborhood Services office and pick up a free “Know Your Neighbor” magnet for you and your neighbor. These magnets are meant to keep your neighbors’ contact information handy in case you ever need to get in touch with them.

Getting to know your neighbors can have some really great benefits. Becoming friends with your neighbors increases the likelihood that they will be more respectful when it comes to loud noise and other things that could potentially add stress to you or your family. Good neighbors also watch out for each other and their properties. Even though Plano ranks amongst the safest cities, it’s always nice to know you’ve got your neighbors watching your back. And of course, it’s always great to know your neighbor just in case you need an emergency cup of sugar required for your latest recipe.

Is there an issue that you’d like to solve in your neighborhood? Work with your neighbors to come up with a plan to fix the issue in your neighborhood. Maybe the address markers on your street curbs have faded. Stores like Home Depot and Lowes have the items you’ll need for a quick fix to help beautify your neighborhood. Maybe you’ve noticed standing water in your neighborhood in things such as flower pots or tires. By emptying standing water, you’ll be helping your community by preventing mosquitos from breeding. Other neighborhood issues you have the opportunity to help fix are things like abandoned vehicles, illegal dumping, water runoff from yards or plugged storm drains.

If you would like to learn more about the Neighborhood Services Department, visit plano.gov/neighborhoodservices.

Check back next week as we highlight the Heritage Farmstead challenges. As always, share your progress with us on social media with hashtag #exploreplano. 

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