A word with Natural Pro Bodybuilder Kris Gethin

We talked with Natural Pro Bodybuilder Kris Gethin at Big J’s FitCon 2016 this May. Creator of Kaged Muscle and owner Gethin Gyms, Kris shared these thoughts about healthy bodybuilding and his successful fitness career.

How long have you been in the fitness industry?
17–18 years.

Who inspired you to get into bodybuilding?
It was actually because I used to race motocross, I had a lot of injuries, and when I retired from that I had no career plans. I had no challenge, no structure or schedule. Because I was dealing with a lot of injuries and back pain from motorcross, I discovered that weight training alleviated the pain. It became a necessity, instead of some sort of inspiration.

What are some of the challenges? Any repercussions from those injuries?
Anytime I fly long journeys, if I fly Economy, then I have to have an overnight somewhere. If not, then I have to go Business. That’s not me being a prima donna! It’s just my back seizes up if I take a flight more than 10 hours. If I’m moving, if I’m hitting weights, if I’m lifting, no problem. But if I’m stuck in a sitting position for a duration then I get repercussions. I’ve got a crazy curvature in my spine.

What are some myths that you’re trying to overcome in this industry? 
I think you can overtrain. I train a lot of the time with a lot of volume. Sometimes, my workouts can see a thousand reps. You can’t do that every day or it’ll lead to CMS failure. But everyone’s different. I wouldn’t be so bold and brash to say others are wrong or that my way is the only way.

Tell me about some exciting things you’re doing in your fitness career.
I have a gym franchise in India that we just launched; I write books; I was certifying trainers for a while there; I do motivational seminars…but the biggest thing I do is with Kaged Muscle. I have my own supplement line that I’ve created. We have some of the highest-rated reviews for a supplement company in the world. And they only released the line January of last year. It’s growing very, very fast.

Follow Kris Gethin on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.

Catch up with more athletes and read more about Big J’s FitCon 2016 in the July issue!

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