New McKinney Airport Has Minimal Noise Impact, According To Study

Photo: City of McKinney

During an open house meeting on April 19, 2023, the preliminary findings of environmental studies for the proposed commercial air service terminal at McKinney National Airport were presented.

Residents were given the opportunity to view the studies and ask questions at the second open house ahead of the May election. The upcoming election includes a $200 million bond item on the ballot to finance projects at McKinney National Airport, which includes the construction of the new terminal. Currently, the city’s airport is utilized for both corporate and private flights, in addition to aviation training.

During the second open house, the presentation provided additional details on the noise impact of the proposed terminal at McKinney National Airport. It also included a comparison of the number of residential and commercial properties surrounding the airport to those surrounding Addison Airport and Dallas Love Field. The preliminary environmental analysis was conducted based on 20 daily departures.

According to the study, the noise methodology showed that a commercial jet flyover, approximately 1,000 feet, would produce a maximum noise level of 102.5 decibels for one second. 

According to the Federal Aviation Administration, a day-night average sound level (DNL) above 65 is classified as a nuisance noise level. Based on preliminary noise contours, the 65 DNL would only affect the undeveloped areas of the city of McKinney-owned property.

Photo: City of McKinney

According to the 2026 proposed action, no residential units would experience a day-night average sound level (DNL) of 65 or higher. However, the 2031 proposed action indicates that one residential unit would be exposed to a DNL of 65 or greater. 

Pending approval, the construction of the 144,000-square-foot terminal featuring four gates would occur sometime between 2024 and 2025, with the terminal set to open in 2026. The first year of operation is expected to have 12 daily departures, with the number rising to 18 daily departures by 2040. 

The prospect of offering commercial airline service in McKinney has been in the works since 2012. Since then, the city of McKinney said that city leaders have spent substantial time making sure that commercial flight services were both feasible and in the best interests of local residents.

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