Sugarland guitarist led a pre-Ironman event in McKinney for North Texas Multisport

Photos courtesy of North Texas Multisport.

Triathletes from around Collin County came together for the North Texas Multisport event and triathlon coach and Sugarland lead guitarist, Thad Beatty, who challenged all with new and improved bike-handling skills. “Keep your eyes on where you want to go and your body and bike will follow,” said Beatty.

The 50 athletes and their families went to Cooper Fitness Center in Craig Ranch in McKinney for the Multisport group’s first BRICK workout of the season. A “brick” consists of racing a specific biking course, pushing fellow teammates to go faster and harder, hopping off the bike for a run to the finish line. This workout style is great for building speed and becoming comfortable running off the bike.

As a special treat, Team Edith was there to join the Richardson Bike Mart tents. Supporting Team Edith, the race fundraising arm of Edith Sanford Breast Foundation, was an important part of the night. The Team is made up of three members: Dr. Jill Heffernan, Lorenzo Ruiz and Tanya Cowgill who have their sights set on completing Ironman Chattanooga in September 2016. The overall goal of the evening was to introduce triathletes around Collin County to Team Edith and then brick through Craig Ranch. Small bites from Two Rows and an open house with Kure Cryo, a wellness and therapy facility, wrapped up the night.

North Texas Multisport was founded as a social club of nine athletes who love to “tri” and has grown over the last 9 years to over 250 members. Newcomers to the sport are always welcomed by seasoned veterans, whether you are interested in getting into the sport, enjoy sprint distances or want to take on a Half or Full Ironman distance race. Members embrace the opportunity to help newcomers find a group to train with on a regular basis. This group is all about creating healthy habits, a strong support group for training and a welcome environment for families.

For more information on Edith Sanford Breast Foundation, visit and for more information on Team Edith, click here.

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