The Downtown Plano Arts District portal project had almost 200 artist entries who are all competing for the sole winning position.
The winner of the competition gets $300K for the design, implementation and install of their artworks that will be displayed at the seven designated entrance locations to Downtown Plano on 15th Street between US Highway 75 and G Avenue.
“We narrowed down 195 submissions to 7 artists that are invited to the next round of selection. They have been contacted and have until July 29 to submit their proposals specific to Downtown Plano,” Michelle Hawkins, Plano’s Administrator of Arts, Heritage and Culture told Plano Profile. “After that we will narrow them down to 3 and present to Council so we’re still a ways away from having a final artist.”
We’ll keep you updated.
For more information on the project, check out these two articles: Local artist skills wanted for Downtown Plano Arts District – $300K compensation and Almost 200 arist submissions for Downtown Plano portal project.