For anyone who appreciates art or who wants to go out on a date night with a lover or friend for a cultural excursion—we have the perfect activity for you! And don’t worry; you have all month to plan a date.

An art exhibit, Urban Confliction, is coming to town for the entire month of November at our very own Plano Art Association Gallery, located in Downtown Plano. Tonight, November 6, is the opening reception for the event so go check it out and enjoy!
This special exhibit presents four very distinctive viewpoints of life in our urban world. Four of the Plano Art Association members bring their own perspective to the evolving world in which we live…impressions of the hum of busy streets to comforting, colorful architecture to the conflict of technical complexity.
After you take in all of the art at the exhibit, stop by one of Downtown Plano’s lovely restaurants for a bite to eat and perhaps even a drink…or two. After all, Downtown is a growing area and a one-stop shop.
Pouran Borders

“My artwork is inspired by my fascination with industrial landscape and urban architecture, representing the fragile state or our global society. The engineered structures symbolize the humans of this society. The giant water tanks represent sculptural form dominating the space. The telephone poles march aimlessly, having suffered the crucifixion of life. Whether strong or meek, these artificial creatures are subject to decay and like humans will perish in time.”

Brenda Guyton
“I am intensely interested in artificial intelligence and biological adaptations, and how those two forces might merge to create a strange and wondrous new world. My work is a reflection of those interests as well as a visual depiction of earlier interests. In the body of work I am currently building, my intent is to shift the viewer’s perspective. The figurative elements combine with the electronic parts to evoke images of the “future is now” melding of biological creature with machine “life.” Perhaps one day our very thoughts will be software, riding on an electric network of consciousness. Where will the technological journey take us? And at what cost?”

Sandra Mucha
“I love to explore different types of perspectives in my art. My journey has taken me from sketching in the margins of my elementary book covers to being an artist and art educator, with interwoven avenues of calligraphy, watercolor, photography, printmaking, paint on canvas, textile and graphic design and other means of creating. I go into the studio open to see where the muse leads me. Maybe it is a bird’s eye view, a worm’s view, or a twisted or grounded horizon line. Either way, just showing up and being engaged in my own inspiration with my the camera or putting paint on the canvas are the most important activities I can do as an artist.”

Allison Proulx
“I believe there is a universal impact of the media throughout the world, effecting people both positively and negatively. My work reflects my reaction and perception to the complexities of media’s impact on society. The manner with which information is presented is so fleeting that our responses have become fleeting as well. This blur has a numbing effect on our perception.”
- Thursday, October 29 through Sunday, November 29
- Opening Reception on Friday, November 6, 7–9 p.m.
Where: Plano Art Association Gallery, 1013 15th Pl., Suite 105, Plano, Texas 75075
Gallery Hours:
Monday: By Appointment Only
Tuesday: 11 a.m.–5 p.m.
Wednesday: 11 a.m.–5 p.m.
Thursday: 11 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday: 11 a.m.–8 p.m.
Saturday: 1–5 p.m.
Sunday: By Appointment Only
Cost: Free