Texas bluebonnet season has arrived and since these beautiful blooms only flower for a few weeks per year if you want to enjoy "bluebonnets 2023", you're going to need to act fast. By the end of April, they'll be all but gone.
So, for that perfect bluebonnet photo, here's our list of the 10+ best places to see bluebonnets.

Bluebonnets in Plano
Plano Bluebonnet Trail
Midway Road to Baywater Drive (2.6 miles), Preston Road to Old Orchard Drive (3.4 miles), Old Orchard Drive to K Avenue (4.9 miles)
Did you know there’s a stunning bluebonnet trail right in Plano? It runs from Central Expressway to Midway Road then continues along Spring Creek Parkway and Chase Oaks Boulevard. Here is a map of the trail, courtesy of the city of Plano website. The best place to see the bluebonnets along the Bluebonnet trail is at Spring Creek and Custer Rd.
Lord of Life Lutheran Church
3601 W 15th St, Plano, TX 75075
Out front of the Lord of Life Lutheran Church off of 15th Street (close to Medical City Plano), there's a small but abundant bluebonnet field.
Oak Point Park and Nature Preserve, Plano
5901 Los Rios Blvd, Plano, TX 75074
Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, Plano
6701 W Parker Rd, Plano, TX 75093
Collin College Spring Creek Campus, Plano
2800 E Spring Creek Pkwy, Plano, TX 75074
Russel Creek Park, Plano
3500 McDermott Rd, Plano, TX 75025
AVOID: You may have read about the beautiful bluebonnets near Legacy Drive in Plano on other "best bluebonnet" lists, however, according to the head of Frito Lays security, the property is private, so please don’t block the drive or park on the property.
Bluebonnets in Frisco
Warren Park’s Freedom Meadow
7599 Eldorado Pkwy. Frisco, Texas 75034
Freedom Meadow is a tribute to those who lost their lives of Sept. 11, 2001. The Frisco Fire Department keeps the meadow well watered, which is why so many bluebonnets bloom here. In 2019, the city of Frisco incited a controlled burn to kill invasive grasses and promote the growth of bluebonnets and other native wildflowers in the area.
Monarch View Park, Frisco
Panther Creek Parkway & Teel Parkway, Frisco
At Monarch View Park in Frisco you’ll find one of the best playgrounds for young kids in the area, it’s also one of the prettiest, set among beautiful gardens. Monarch View Park, Frisco also features a native wildflower prairie area designed to aid migrating monarch butterflies as well as native Texan birds. At this time of year, that native wildflower prairie is blooming with bluebonnets!
Zion Cemetery in Frisco
The Zion Cemetery in Frisco is known for its surrounding hill that becomes covered in bluebonnets during the springtime. For this reason, Zion Cemetery is a very popular place to take bluebonnet photos and is featured in many "best places to see bluebonnets 2022" lists. However, a new “No Trespassing” sign was placed in the greenbelt in 2021, indicating that it is not permitted to walk into the bluebonnet field. Please respect the boundaries of the nearby neighborhood and do not trespass. You can observe the bluebonnets from inside Zion Cemetery when it is open.
Click here or on the link below to read more about this popular spot and why it's probably best to avoid it.
Bluebonnets in McKinney
The Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Nature Pl, McKinney, TX 75069
Located at 1 Nature PI in McKinney, the Heard Museum doesn’t only have everything you would ever want to know about wildlife and natural sciences — it also has bluebonnets. A spokesperson for the Heard Museum said they have a patch of bluebonnets at the front by the main building. However, she noted that, this far north in Texas, it’s harder for bluebonnets to flourish. Because of that, she also recommends checking medians on the highways. To get into the museum, you need to make sure you buy tickets first by clicking here.
Bluebonnets in Allen
The Trail at the Woods, Allen
1424 Rollins Dr, Allen, TX 75013
The median in the intersection of Bethany Drive and Alma Drive, Allen
Yes, this is a median in the middle of a busy road. Are the bluebonnets pretty here? Yes. But do you really want to risk your life getting to them? There are a lot of better options on this list.
Bluebonnets in Richardson
After Ennis TX (see below), The City of Richardson is probably the best local place to go and enjoy Texas wildflowers and that includes Bluebonnets. As part of a city project called "Operation Bloom Town", the City of Richardson plants more than 100 acres of wildflower seeds municipal parks, street medians and the City Hall campus, every year. The tradition began in 1990 with a trial planting at Campbell Ridge Park, and today, wildflowers are in most parks and on numerous medians throughout the city.
Some of our favorite places to see wildflowers and bluebonnets in Richardson are:
Crowley Park
2700 N Spring Dr, Richardson
Richardson City Hall
411 W Arapaho Rd, Richardson
Richardson Library
900 Civic Center Dr, Richardson
Breckinridge Park
3555 Brand Rd, Richardson
Cottonwood Park
1301 W Belt Line Rd, Richardson
Prairie Creek Park
2400 W Prairie Creek Dr, Richardson
Fujitsu Field in East Richardson (corner of Shiloh and Research Rd.)

Bluebonnets in Ennis, TX
Ennis TX | bluebonnettrail.org
Ennis, a city an hour away from Collin County, was designated the “Official Bluebonnet City of Texas” and the home of the “Official Texas Bluebonnet Trail” by the Texas state legislature. Every year in April, visitors can drive through over 40 miles of mapped bluebonnet trails. The trails are open to the public throughout the month of April.
Every year, the city hosts the Ennis Bluebonnet Trails Festival. This year, the festival is from April 8-12. Enjoy live music, food and wine from local vendors and special activities for the kids.