Plano ISD To Include 5 Propositions In The Upcoming Election


Collin County residents will see five propositions on their ballot this election season from the Plano ISD. Lower tax rates and bond measures will be voted on to determine how much money will be allotted to the district. Each proposition will be in an individual vote labeled from A to E. 

Proposition A

Voter Approval Tax Rate Election (Vatre) proposition A modifies the current tax rate to increase revenue for teacher and staff salaries and student programs. If this measure passes Plano ISD would generate approximately $9 million annually. The proposed tax rate is $1.2598 per $100. 

Proposition B

Prop. B is a bond election that enhances school renovations and safety measures for PISD. Included in the bond would be $1,172,975,000 for new safety infrastructure, transportation, major school renovations, CTE and innovative programs, athletics, fine arts and maintenance. These funds would assist the district in completing and starting projects to upgrade and update schools in PISD. 

Proposition C

The second bond election gives PISD $173,450,000 for instructional technology including but not limited to classroom multimedia AV, copy machine replacements, data center updates and learning media services. 

Proposition D

The bond election proposition asks voters to consider implementing an event center for PISD. The center would be a multi-use space to hold events such as graduation ceremonies, concerts and sporting events. The event center would hold approximately 8,500 seats. The district is predicting a $30 million budget for the facility, but would ensure future revenue for PISD. 

Proposition E

The final proposition for PISD is in regards to safety and maintenance at stadiums. Clark High School would receive funds for turf replacement, concession renovations, LED security lights, parking lot resurfacing and restrooms. Kimbrough’s funds would include fencing, concession renovations and LED security lights. Williams would be given funding for security lights. 

A district as big as PISD requires funding for improvements that affect students and staff on a daily basis. These bond and vatre measures will be voted on during the upcoming election on November 8. 

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