Rover Dramawerks Presents: One Day Only 26

Rover dramawerks play festival plano

40 volunteers. Five original short plays. One night.

Rover Dramawerks’ presents their signature short play festival, created from concept to curtain in just one day, presented on August 27. These five short plays will represent the work of about 40 individuals collaberating for an intense 24 hours to create an entire one-act play festival that has been written, produced, directed, rehearsed, teched and performed all in one day.

This is the 26th annual One Day Only. At 9 p.m. on Friday, August 26, the writers, directors and actors meet for the first time. The actors get their pictures taken and everyone brainstorms for their best ideas. The writers then draw their topics out of a hat and work all night, each composing a 10-15-minute show. The deadline for the plays is 6:30 a.m. when the directors return. They skim the five plays, pick their poison, and bring out the pictures of the actors to cast their plays, all in under two hours. At 8 a.m. the actors return to read their script for the very first time. While the actors and directors get to work blocking, memorized and rehearsing their plays, the writers get some sleep. By 3 p.m. the tech rehearsal has begun. The curtain rises for the first performance of the night at 8 p.m.

Courtesy of Rover Dramawerks

One Day Only 26

When: August 27 | 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.

Where: Rover Dramawerks | 221 W. Parker Rd., Ste. 580 Plano, TX, 75023


  • $14 for adults
  • $12 for students and seniors

Hundreds of these original short plays have been presented in previous festivals, and many have seen additional performances with such organizations as Dark Night Players in Allen, Flower Mound Performing Arts Theatre, Lakehill Preparatory School, Punch Drunk Comedy, and the Out of the Loop Festival in Addison, as well additional performances with Rover Dramawerks.

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