Free fun for the whole family! St. Andrew UMC puts on its annual Fall Festival.
Enjoy carnival games, bounce houses, bobbing for donuts, face painting and sack races. Or, venture to the large slide and obstacle course. Snack on popcorn, and go by Smith Hall for the chili supper. Pumpkin painting is a blast with friends. And, don’t miss out on the Trunk or Treat, where the family gets to decorate their trunks for this trick-or- treating fun.
Everyone is invited to wear costumes and participate!

Fall Festival
When: Sunday, October 23, 5-7 p.m.
Where: St. Andrew United Methodist Church | 5801 W. Plano Pkwy, Plano, Texas 75093
Cost: Free admission; donations accepted for concessions and chili supper
Contact: 972.380.8001 or visit