Joshua (6) and Zachary (4) share their hopes, dreams, fears and career goals, as well as why you should never reveal your true superpower. Children are the future, y’all.
Favorite pastime? J: Doing math problems. Z: Snuggling.
What would you buy if you could buy anything? Z: I would buy a hot air balloon with a giraffe.
Last book you read? J: Captain Underpants. Z: Sea Life.
Something no one knows about you? J: Well I can’t say that I pick my nose because someone found out about that.
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Dream job? J: Being a marine biologist. Z: Sleeping and having a dream.
What’s your spirit animal? J: A chameleon because they change colors to communicate and it would be nice sometimes to communicate without talking. Z: Of course, a penguin.
Life-changing moment? J: When I was 3, I got a brother.
Describe yourself in five words. J: Handsome, kind, good, loving … hungry.
If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be? J: Iron Man Mark 24. Z: A giraffe.
Your most treasured possession? J: My dog. Z: My stuffed animals.
What’s your superpower? J: My real superpower? I can’t say it out loud because bad guys will learn my skills.
What rules have you broken? J: I wrote on my desk at school. Z: I eat in the playroom sometimes.
Favorite time of day? J: The afternoon because we have science in school. Z: Snuggle time!
Greatest fear? J: I am scared of being endangered, like pandas.
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