Monthly Cocktail: The Botanical Buzz

The Botanical Buzz is a drink like no other. This seasonal cocktail—featured at Seasons 52 at The Shops at Legacy until the end of June—is worth trying, especially if you have an adventurous palate. The drink is served with a buzz button, which at first glance looks like a yellow dandelion. First, chew the nearly tasteless buzz button on both sides of your mouth and wash it down with a sip of your drink. It might take a moment, but soon your mouth will begin to tingle and buzz. As you drink the refreshing cocktail, the sensation gets stronger, though it will start to dissipate after about 10 minutes. Try this unique cocktail experience with friends— and Snapchat their reactions. Some people love it; for others, it’s not their gig. But everyone should at least try it once.

Buzz buttons can be purchased on Etsy and specialty food websites—or go try it at Seasons 52.

2 oz. Prairie Organic Vodka

¾ oz. honey syrup (equal parts raw organic honey and water)

¾ oz. fresh lemon juice

1 buzz button


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