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Baseball: The Nature, the Personality, and the Power of the Game

Baseball historian Talmage Boston discusses America’s favorite sport at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 21, at the Allen Public Library.

Baseball historian Talmage Boston discusses America’s favorite sport at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 21, at the Allen Public Library. Talmage has written two critically acclaimed baseball history books—1939: Baseball’s Tipping Point (foreword by John Grisham, Bright Sky Press, 2005) and Baseball and the Baby Boomer (foreword by Frank DeFord, Bright Sky Press, 2009), and has been inducted into the Texas Baseball Hall of Fame as a Media Member. In 2015, Talmage participated in a panel with former New York Yankees legend Bobby Brown to open an exhibit at the George W. Bush Presidential Library, Dallas, “Baseball & American Life.”

Talmage declares, “More than any other sport, throughout its eight month season, baseball provides life with a daily rhythm. We wake up reading about what happened the day before and end the evening watching it. All in all, for much of the year, it keeps us in that joyous state of the even keel.”

In recent years, Talmage has become one of the best known onstage public interviewers in Dallas, conducting interviews with the likes of Henry Kissinger, James A. Baker III, David McCullough, Jon Meacham, Ken Burns and Douglas Brinkley, to name a few.

In September 2016, the edited transcripts of Talmage’s onstage interviews with some of the country’s most prominent presidential historians and presidential insiders will be released as a book entitled Cross-Examining History: A Lawyer Gets Answers From the Experts About Our Presidents (forward by Ken Burns, Bright Sky Press, 2016). Talmage’s articles and editorials on legal issues have appeared in The National Law Journal, Texas Lawyer, Dallas Morning News, and Dallas Business Journal.

Sponsored by the Allen Public Library, the program is free. The library is located at 300 N. Allen Dr. Call 214.509.4911.